A Start

simple christian
1 min readFeb 3, 2022

I’ve tried to start writing online before. It hasn’t gone well. I have thought several times before that getting into the discipline of regularly sitting down and writing on a topic, any topic I had on my mind, might be helpful. It would allow me to develop the ability just to sit down and write for a period of time and construct my thoughts on a particular subject.

That’s the main thing really. Writing things out is a great thought-helping process. It lays your jumbled thoughts out in front of you and makes you analyse them for sense, for logical gaps, for proof. Dr Jordan Peterson says that writing is no different from thinking. And I tend to agree. It really is helpful in thinking about or processing thoughts.

So maybe I’ll start again. Maybe more casually this time. Maybe every day. I’d sort of like to keep this as a sort of journal. Somewhere I can go and look back over what I was thinking about on a particular day, or during a particular period in my life. I’ll probably set this to private, or else hope no one ever finds it. I might pour my heart out. I don’t know. But here goes…



simple christian

Just writing some things to get them out and keep here. If you know me, please don’t read it all.